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3 April, 11:56
Perm summed up the results of the XXV city competition of socially significant projects “The City is Us”
Photo: Perm City Duma

The competition commission considered 155 projects in 8 different nominations,  81 of them accepted as winners.

The project acceptance for the competition was held  from December, 26  2022 to  February 9,  2023 on the “Manage together” platform. The competition committee has awarded the highest score to 78 projects, and 3 more projects will receive additional funding.

The largest number of winner projects  was selected within the priority nomination “Perm-300”, dedicated to the anniversary of the city. These are  22 projects, among which - the “PROPerm” local history game  by  Perm lyceum No 2, audio guide “Stop with history”,   the opening event for  the cathedral mosque and others.

The second nomination with the most  selected projects was the  “Perm sports” ( 17 best initiative selected). The  funding will be used for  “Anti-vaping” action and sports festival “Return to reality” to be held in Perm.  The nomination «Perm - territory of culture»  gathered  11 projects selected by the commission among which are  immersive performances “Main roles”, VI regional children and youth vocal and choreographic competition “Stars Rain-2023”.  Deputy Head of the Administration, Head of the Mayor’s Office,   Alexander Molokovsky  thanked the members of the Commission for their work and noted that all the winner  projects would make a significant contribution to the development of Perm.

- Perm is a unique city in terms of  developing its  non-profit sector. The anniversary year will be even more fruitful and generous for the good deeds and full of bright and happy days. We hope that joining our efforts we will be able, during the jubilee year,  to implement  81 projects   in all the districts of  Perm - the projects that will be interesting, bright and, most importantly,  necessary and beneficial for  the residents, - said Alexander Molokovskikh.

Earlier, the Mayor of Perm City  Aleksey Demkin  commented that   the competition’s  grant fund was increased in honour of the  city’s anniversary. 

– By 2023, the grant fund of the competition of socially significant projects “The City is Us” has been increased to 25 million rubles. This will allow us to support  more projects from active residents. I am convinced  that people are the main driving force in the development of the city, - said Aleksey Demkin.
